Equalizer 3 is a great, fast paced good v evil film but it missed a massive trick which would of made it one of the biggest and most brilliant Cross-Over/Sequels in film history.
With the casting of Dakota Fanning secured, the story should of started with her being introduced to us as a swimmer with a skill of note-taking and attention to detail without us initially seeing her face. It should of slowly been revealed that she had been adopted by her aunt and uncle (Susan and Brian Plummer) following the sad death of her mother from illness (Lisa Ramos) and her father (Samuel Ramos), by suicide some years earlier. Her initial phone call from Roberto Mccall could of stirred something inside her that she couldn't quite place and then their first face to face meet could of been delayed until a bit later in the film when it is revealed that she is indeed Pita Ramos and he is indeed Creasy, who did actually somehow survive the violent ending in MAN on FIRE from 2004!!
What a twist and amazing set-up for further films that would have been!! When I watched this film for the first time I genuinely didn't know Dakota Fanning was in it but the moment I saw her face I was begging for these two story lines to come together and was completely gutted they had not gone that way with the story line.