This movie is about two young women who face an apocalyptic event and try to hold on to their lives, both literally and figuratively.
Wood plays a neurotic dancer, Page plays a student, who are on the cusp of adulthood and realizing their dreams and aspirations when the power goes out.
Much of this movie is very realistic. The viewer can easily put themselves in their places...slowly realizing that all your studying isn't going to matter because there will be no entrance exam... that your years of dance practice mean nothing because there will never be another stage show.
The danger posed particularly to women in such apocalyptic and desperate times is also very realistic, despite angry denials to the contrary. Yes, some will fight like men and become leaders, but most of us would be overpowered....needing protection from the powerful. This gritty reality is starkly portrayed and tough to watch.
There were some unrealistic parts, like how a house would suddenly crumble and collapse within 2 years, standing without power. Really? Because that's pretty quick.