I think it was alright. What I mostly love about this movie are the soundtracks that play during sequences, they give a 80's style vibe. I like that because the movie is not even a classic, or an old fashioned film. It's only 3 years old, so having that feel of the 80's again is just great. The synth that they use in their theme songs are just great. Secondly, the kills are gruesome. This is what horror movies need more. Gruesome kills. The killer seems to be a normal chap, wearing modern style clothing, until you see him at his form. A black World War II Combat mask, zipped up from the mouth, barely being able to see the last glister from his eye. It's like when he's in his killing costume, he has much more agility and strength. He can withstand more damage. Also, he never talks under that thing. Overall, movie is 7/10. Don't see why there's so many bad reviews.