If you loved Fifty Shades of Grey, you'd love this movie. Some scenes are so similar, like the scene where she had to be wheelchair bound for some unknown reason, or when she crashed the ambulance through a random new York city building.
Anyways, the first Transformers movie had given us a look into what it is to be a boy. Women could never. Sam, an 11th grader, buys a car that ends up being a transformer. Although he is not athletic in anyway shape or form, the autobot make him run A LOT with important items while bad guys run after him. The autobots could've done it so much faster and more efficiently, but this teaches 11th grade boys that they must be the chosen one. Women could never.
Sam was the boys Y/N. Women dream of being with Caesar from Rise of the Planet of the Apes, boys, or men, dream of buying a car that can shapeshift. Women could never. Boys dream of serving an autobot leader with a tight waistline and thick robotic thighs.
Anyways, Madame Web was okay. I don't really recommend it. That's two hours I'll never get back. Go watch Transformers and learn mens fantasies. Its like fan fiction, but in movie form.