It has its moments, all of the action sequences are great, but in the end it's too long for what it is. So many unecessary and strange scenes, and many points at which I wondered if the writers and director had even fully planned them out.
For example, the relationship between cat woman and batman is extremely rushed and unnatural, there will be out of place music (like very sad, slow music as if batman is going to die, when he comes no where near dying), in general slot of scenes that make you think they're going to be important of impactful but then are just filler essentially.
In the end, I had to resist checking the time I was so bored through most of it. Action scenes were great and well choreographed, but so much of the film felt unplanned and unecessary that it dragged on. Especially towards the end where there's like five times where you think it'll end but it just keeps going.