The only thing why this worth watching: this movie will explain Russian mentality to you.
Karin and Patrick are typical Russians: mysterious, pretty, educated, fun to spend time with.
No wonder Louise and Bjørn are excited to hang out with them, even despite couple's strange behavior (ignoring personal borders, abusive behavior, drive after drinking). They just two civilized people used to be polite and respectful, taking responsibility for their own actions.
But when these two worlds collide there's no mercy to the weak. Cause bullies came to this world to take what they want and to do what they want. Just that simple.
Other people are just a resource providers to them, not much more.
If civilized Louise and Bjorn would be aware how cruel and barbaric could people be, they would pay attention to at least third red flag, cease communication immediately, not apologizing (for what??), not explaining themselves – and go. To save themselves and maybe poor little Abel too.
Since this didn't happen, Karen and Patrick continue to mutilate people, to bully them and to kill them — with minimal efforts, just paralyzing with their barbarism, so cruel and pointless that civilized citizens are not prepared to react to it properly.
Exactly that Russians do to civilized nations