It is best to realize, before purchasing a ticket, that this is not a humorous "two guys on a road trip" movie. Not PLANES,TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES.
These best friend cousins display, between them ,just about every syndrome you learned about in Psych 100. At times there is a suggestion of what would happen if Tony Shalhoub's Mr. Monk took a trip with Randy Quaid's Cousin Eddie. Once you accept that this film , with its underlying Holocaust text, is not intended to be a comedy, then you can appreciate its calm, compassionate story. Although the cousins smoke weed, trespass and ride a train without tickets, there is no hilarious scene in which they scam pompous local officials. The bus never breaks down in a village of small town goons. The somewhat uneventful, mundane proceedings make the visit to the concentration camp that much more poignant. Well acted and filmed.