I spent the last 10 minutes walking around my house, speaking to ghosts, with roughly 38:04 left in the film.
This movie doesn't seem to be a metal purists work or love (School of Rock), nor is it a proper coming of age film (Superbad), it also doesn't have the right right of passage take (Detroit Rock City), and falls far from other films in the vein (Moxy).
I still like it, and I hope the next 40 minutes changes my mind, but I am not sure who this movie is for.
Even the bands listed seem like obvious choices, with Tool and Slipknot standing out as outliers ... but the posters in Hunters room suggest a movie intended for the 80-90s, but also Autumn Burns Red?
It has some genuine feels to it, and some laughs, but then also legitimately negative vibes in how things escalate.
Tl;dr metal movie for non metal people, vanilla plot, I knew the kid would puke the moment a party was involved, and ... why the hell did this kid want to be in band with no actual love of music?
Man this movie confuses me.
Robbie probably shreds.
EDIT: added a star for probably one of the best feel good hilarious endings I have seen in quite some time.
Had they skewed the movie more like this, I think they would have won over more critics.
Robby, indeed, is cool as hell.
This movie is an undercooked mess, but you will finish it feeling awesome.