I think people's commentary on this show is laughable because it is a show. It never claimed to be based in reality. And also, it is seen through the eyes of a young, somewhat naive girl; you cannot expect the show to be founded on the realities of the time. It's based on how she sees and views things. Anyone commenting on how "fast" she moves on or how "easy" also lacks critical thinking skills and is not in tune with reality. Young people especially move on fast. You can be in love with someone for years, lose them, and still go on to be with other people. And she didn't even move on fast. She grieved and then accepted that she couldn't change it. It doesn't diminish how much she loved him. Carrying someone in your heart should not make you miserable. If you don't like the show, that's okay, but it isn't anywhere close to bad. It's simply a show that isn't intended to be realistic to the times or suit your britches. All it is doing is telling a story, the primary purpose of acting.