The main editor of this book blends clinical research (GCRP) with clinical practice (GCP). Regarding metabolic syndrome I feel we need to say: the thin sick fat Indian (rather than just the thin fat Indian). It is the adiposopathy or diaposity that is the issue. When we write MetS it reminds me of mets or metastases and here too, fat metastasises from subcutaneous to visceral tissue. This is the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) or value added tax that we self-impose because of our carbivorous preference. I also call it adiposiosis (after endometriosis). India has the fastest rate of conversion of pre-diabetes to diabetes (18%). With an estimated >100 million people with diabetes and >136 million people with pre-diabetes, and <10% engaging in any physical activity (ICMR-INDIAB), we are a sitting duck for CV oblivion. India looks bloated on the world map of diabetes. It is high time we get back into shape. Plus we have MONW (Metabolic Obesity Normal Weight). And the BMI cutoffs for Indians are lower than for Caucasians. Why wait when very soon many Indians will be the late……?