This is absolutely the most beautiful show I have ever watched. Each aspect of the show is so breathtakingly magical- from the actors, the scenery, the cinematography, EVERYTHING.
Anne with an E has touched my heart in a way I never thought was possible from a show. The story, the emotions it all kindles some sort of feeling in me that brings about a series of emotions.
The storylines are as good as they can get. This is an adaptation of the book. But, if you're looking for a show that's exactly the same as the book, this isn't the show to watch. This show has oh so beautifully mixed the difficult times of the olden days with the new and modern socials issues of today's world. Ranging from racism, feminism, LGBTQIA+ this show touches various topics in the most natural and efortless way possible.
I personally think this show should be watched by all ages. It teaches everyone how to be greatful and look at life in a simpler and more meaningful way.
I 12/10 recommend.