Sorry, but despite good performances, photography, music and production, the plot turns out to be really silly. What is the mission of the giant alien jellyfish? To set a 12 piece puzzle, the answer to which is for dimwit government agencies to share data with their foreign counterparts, in order to learn an alien language that transcends time. But there are already languages in the world that transcend time, and one detects the self-referentiality that afflicts everything these days. The brooding atmosphere and music hint at profundity, but the fate of the world eventually hinges on a mobile phone call to a Chinese general at the point of a gun. Fortunately there's an American lady academic on hand to save the world from the silly foreigners and the silly men, and the call gets through. 'Shall we make a baby?' asks the man hero to the lady hero as the movie closes. Yes, yes, anything, but please draw the curtains.