Our movie begins way back when Winnie (Winifred), Sara, and Mary Sanderson were children. Our setting is a village in past day Salem, where the three sisters lived. They are known to be outcasts due to the fact that they were much different compared the other community members. Becuase Winnie had turned 16 years old, she was being forced to marry. The sisters, especially Winnie, were absolutely disgusted by the idea. Winnie declines the offer in a not-so-nice way, which was a mistake. The cruel community members try to seperate the sisters, but it does not work. Winifred, Sara, and Mary all run away to hide in the Forbidden Forest where they meet the "Mother Witch," AKA, the witch before the Sanderson sisters. The witch promptly and quickly discovers how different the sisters are from the rest of the village. The witch is generous enough to give up her place, and let the young girls have their turn. That is when the world-wide, famous sisters we all know and love become witches!
Fast forward in time, we are now in present day Salem, and we are introduced to our main characters, Becca and Izzy. Becca and Izzy are two high school girls who are interested in witches and magic. It is also Becca's birthday!
Hardly any time later, we are introduced to our last main character, Cassie. Cassie is a kind girl who is best friends with Becca and Izzy. At least until she found more interest in boys other than her friends. More bad news, Cassie is throwing party! Not only is she throwing a party on her best friends birthday, but is also doing it without permission from her dad. Cassie's dad is a very protective man who wants nothing but the best for his daughter, and parties are certainly far from what he'd ever expect from Cassie.
After the day of school, Becca and Izzy visit their friends Halloween Shop. As they are searching, they notice a candle. Not any candle, the black flame candle. Also what is used to awaken the Sanderson sisters. The girls take the item and go on a trip to the Forbidden Forest. They light the candle and, you guessed it, the sisters are back!
Once the sisters have been summoned, they respond by performing a musical entrance. Becca and Izzy are completely confused but can't take their eyes off of the situation. After caught by Winnie, Sara, and Mary, the girls create lie that, somehow, tricks the witches. But it doesn't work for long - once the sisters have found out the truth, they are definitely not happy.
I will not be spoiling anymore, as I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't watched it. here is my review -
Hocus Pocus 2 is an energetic, fun filled movie that has a few musical elements and many good plot twists and conflicts. The thrilling and humorous film was made wonderfully. The costumes look nearly identical to the original, the Sanderson sisters have not aged a day, and still look incredibly stunning. Although this movie is mostly made up of comedy, the ending scene will bring most of us to tears. I am heartbroken that the sisters are not our main witches anymore, but the exit and change of heart each of them have really show how much a person can change in a matter of seconds.
Many of my favorite characters from the original were brought back! Unfortunately, not all characters could return, but no hard feelings - the cast was still excellent.
Overall, this was a very cute movie. I loved mostly every thing about it. If you're looking for a good Halloween movie for any ages, go watch Hocus Pocus 2 or even the original Hocus Pocus.