First off, I'd like to give a big Alabama F you to the writers with the "It's like Alabama, but with big trees' line that was used as a way to call Alabama racist. In my experience, anyone that makes it a point to call other people racist, are usually racist themselves. I'd bet hefty bag of change that the person that wrote that line has exactly 0 black people living in their neighborhood......
With that said......
The games bad. A walking simulator with perhaps the worst combat I've ever experienced in a video game . First boss is a huge dude swinging a log and most of the time you can't see the dude, nor the log when he's attacking. 😂 It's supposed to be survival horror, but the boss absorbs so much ammo that they have to make it magically appear in the same 3 containers over and over during this boss battle. So you find yourself running around in a circle looking for these 3 containers while a dude is swinging a log at you and the camera angle is so poor that you cannot even see him 😂 The bad camera angles works for something like Dark Souls, but not this. Typical new era garbage game. I can't believe people hype this trash up. It looks good, but I don't care about looks, I want to actually see the boss that I'm fighting and not have insane clunkiness. I added items to my quick slot and they magically disappeared during the fight. Just overall jank. The NPCs repeat HI! over and over. Nonsense. And if it's "Survival Horror' I don't want infinite ammo and bullet sponge bosses. Didn't they learn anything from Resident Evil? Totally ruined Alan Wake for me. I need to go play the original to get my head on straight after that trainwreck.