as an Indian Muslim with a lot of Pakistani friends, this show is pretty accurate. the way they represent her family characters, and the struggles she deals with. BUT. why is she a jinn?? that makes no sense? It ruined the show to make her entire character about being Muslim. they didn't do that with any other characters. it's great that they are being diverse with their characters, and I know they are probably trying really hard. BUT COME ON MARVEL. why is there a noor dimension and why does she have a dating life?? instead of making her just inhuman, they had to make her a jinn. I love the funny jokes with her family, the lectures with her mom, and talking with her brother, her family is great. and sneaking out to avengercon and crushing on brown boys. it's really cute. but it should've just been a crush, to be honest. I wanted it to be more realistic when it came to her religion and less based on it if that makes sense. I just wanted to see an accurate representation of her religion and a good plot without it being about her religion. I stopped halfway because of the plot and I'm kinda disappointed in the show. it also shows a lot of the "bad" things about being a Muslim, or basically the rules, it doesn't really show any benefits. also, the masjid scene was great until she started talking to the imam about how she doesn't like the partition between men and women and that needs to be there. It kind of ruined the masjid scene. I hope you can give this show development marvel. i really hope it gets better because i would love to watch it :) good luck next time, I hope this helped!