Having Grown up watching Star Trek: Voyager and more recently being drawn back into the Star Trek universe with Star Trek: Discovery, I thought I'd give this one another shot. I could never get into it while it aired on TV. The first 3-4 episodes were a bit rough for me to watch, but by the end of season 1 the characters seemed real and like a family. Things that drove me insane at the beginning of the show like Commander Tucker's Southern accent, or Mayweather's naïve innocence grew on me and became endearing.
Between the timeframe it captures, the cramped bridge, and quaint procedures they use it does feel a bit low budget and stale at times, but the underlying story seems to drive the show quite well through these moments.
It's clear in Season 4 that the show knew it wasn't getting renewed for a season 5 as the major story seems to accelerate at break-neck pace often times not clearly linking to previous episodes (Such as the Mirror Episodes). Overall, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this show and that I found myself disappointed there was no season 5.