A game that romanticizes and exploits serious topics for shock value and twists. The mystery that the protagonist is looking to solve created a narrative of a child-predator who is in the right. Acts of cruelty and depravity are described as ‘morbid acts of love’ and other characters express that they truly believe he was trying to help the child he abused. If this were taken only from the point of view of the main character, as she is young herself and has a connection to the man, it may be understandable. But other characters are either made to be so cruel that they make him look good, or his actions are justified and even commended by the game itself.
To make it worse: it shows in detail on how to end ones own life.
The graphics are beautiful, the sound design, lighting, and building tension are great. And perhaps the creators didn’t intend for this game to make a pedophile out to be a saint, but as it is they published a game with a narrative that, as a survivor myself, I can only be repulsed by.