Anderson I’ve always thought of you as a respected journalist, but last evening you spent your entire show wondering if the president has taken oxygen???? Really?? Who cares if he needed oxygen for assist his breathing or make him more comfortable. Who really cares?? Obviously you and your panel. Is that really what you choose to have an hour long show about? Whether he needed it or not, his oxygen levels and when he needed it. Why?? What is the point? I honestly thought you all sounded like a bunch of boring journalists who can not find something more interesting or pertinent to report on. Honestly what happened to you? Are you ok sitting there having these boring conversations with people who have no real knowledge of what us actually going on. It sounds like you all want his illness to progress! I hope at some point in your career you will get back to being an honest journalist without bias. Isn’t that why you made this career choice?
Your friend
Ps try to find more interesting topics! Oxygen for an hour????