I started watching this show very recently with my sister, but it only took us 1 week to finish the three seasons on Netflix. what we love was that it talked about modern-day issues like fear of gayness, and raping. it was also hilarious especially to us because south Asians (where I am from) seem to have a lot in common with Latinos. when we heard it got canceled we were panicking, but then we saw that it was coming on pop. problem is, was that we had nowhere to stream it because we didn't have those subscriptions. I would still watch clips of it, but it was not the same as watching the full episodes. Now it got canceled again, and now it is very upsetting. we like to watch old sitcoms, like family matters, full house, and Fraiser, and this looked like it had the potential to reach their level with 8-10 seasons. I am telling you one thing; a 4.8-star show getting canceled is unheard of. you bring it back, it will be a huge moneymaker. just give the people what they want!