Watched the first season and maybe the some of the second season, it just became too cringey with all the black lives matter, feminism and multitude of other politically correct agendas, this show is frequently racist towards white people, referring to them as "you people", "all you white folks like to...." So many reverse racist comments on this show that if those comments were on any show and aimed at black people then there would be outrage, I find the show is very racially seperative and I emplore any black person do be proud they are black be don't hate white people for some extra credit which is what this show does. All of the DC universe on live actions dramas from superman, the flash, supergirl and this they are all infected with feminism and over political correctness (in all the wrong areas) these are not things that help and are cringey, I can pull out many lines from these shows that I imagine the 3 or 4 feminist you hired to make women feel more included high fiving each other over some cringey feminist or racially charged quick whip they have for whatever minority character to say. Huge fan of DC but I've given up on their films, I've given up on anything live action they do, the animated films are the only things they currently still do which embody what DC is and carry that dark grimey undertone on which DC was founded.