How could I care about a film so fully determined to be unhinged in a frenzy of maddening confusion? I would have a hard time believing even the director could explain each scene. Like some of the other one-star reviewers, I did fall periodically asleep, bored out of my mind. The super-quick jump cuts and banging cacophony of sounds turned everything into a blur of white noise. I typically like Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lee Curtis but they did not star in a film, but took part in a long series of dis-jointed, time-jumping "blips." And after enduring two hours of "ground-breaking, artistic nonsense," the final indignation was to have the film end with a most pat cliche of a mother's recitation of her total love and unswerving loyalty for her near-estranged daughter, I rolled my eyes to that. It made as little sense as anything else.