I love the show and watch avidly every morning. How do I ask a question of the presenters about a subject?
We are in the middle of a pandemic and everyone is doing their utmost to get our country out of it. Meanwhile the daily arrivals of people landing here is the most secret invasion of our country ever. These people arrive in dinghies from France (several a day) and now they are bringing COVID 19 into the country with them (12 people were tested positive yesterday in one dinghy). The French navy escort the dinghies into our waters to make sure that our Border Force has to intercept them and bring them safely to our shores. I am not against people trying to flee worn torn countries to get a better life but why is France not offering them safe homes and a better life? And if the French Navy are escorting them over to our shores can they at least make sure they are free of COVID -19 before they do?? This issue never seems to be debated on TV unless I'm missing something. Thank you - a concerned Dover resident.