First here s my review
"Blazing Saddles" vs "Am I a Racist?" Both are comedic pokes at the race issue or the race hustle business as the case may be. But which was the more fun? My vote goes to "Am I a Racist" as the higher art form. The comics in the latter had no idea that they were being comical which made the laughter more genuine. "Saddles" provided snickers vs the belly laughs "Racist" provoked.
Each provided their punches delivered only an elaborate set up. I had not known there existed a class of people whose lives were so devoid of meaning that paid large sums to hustlers whose primary job was to insult whatever intelligence they presumed they had possessed. In the final moments when the self flagellation whips were handed out, it was as if to say "Gotcha." Remarkably about half of Matt's comedic victims were so witless they still didn't realize what had been going on.
Google noticed my review and took it down
Here is what they told me:
Review Takedown Notice
Hi Google User,
The following review has been automatically removed because it was identified as a violation of our Profanity policy: Review of Am I Racist?.
We discovered this issue through our automated system.
This is a permanent action taken globally. Reviews are meant to be helpful and trustworthy, and our policies are in place to help ensure a safe experience for all users. You can always modify and resubmit your review in line with our policies.
The Google Search Team
Can anyone point out the "profanity" in my review?
Google has a stranglehold on the marketplace of ideas and must be broken up.