This movie is very disappointing.  Today's modern progressive cultural message portrayed in a 1st century Hebrew culture is disturbingly sickening. Frankly the creative license taken in this production ruined the greatest story ever told. Mary has a difficult time choosing between a career vs. a family in a 1st century Hebrew culture? Mary asks Joseph to marry her? Their first kiss is initiated by Mary? Mary is a progressive feminist? Joseph is portrayed as a womanizer, so Joseph is a misogynistic white man? King Herod is ascribed all the kingdom, power, and glory as declared in the Lord's Prayer? Not once does the movie proclaim the prayer's beautiful ending over the Christ child. King Herod ALSO receives the gold, myrrh, and frankincense, and thereby grossly cheapens those gifts to the Christ child? Disgustingly, Joseph and Mary elope with (no) pronounced blessing by a MUTE Zechariah? My greatest gripe is with the watered down deceptive version shared to a generation and anti-Christ culture that doesn't read or know scripture.   Ultimately this production is a great class in critical thinking on postmodern anti-Christ ideology.  The few things they got right: a story about "a journey", beautiful singing, and creative choreography/sets.