Honestly one of the best movies I have seen. Amazing plot amazing scenes amazing characters amazing effects all held back by a small budget but still a great movie.
My ADVICE: Don’t use critics etc to decide if this movie is worth watching you will get a 100 different opinions none of them will match yours. This is a movie you really have to see yourself to decide if you like it and so long as you don’t care about it being 100% identical to the game you will more than likely enjoy it a lot more than you think.
I don’t write movie reviews often but this one deserves it.
This movie feels like a new kind of horror it has its own kind of feel to it. It’s not a movie about jump scares it feels just like how a resident evil game should feel a story shrouded in horror the story isn’t the horror itself.
It had some amazing scenes and did hold true to the game in many respects. I loved the feel the 90’s feel is amazing and nostalgic as I was a kid back then when the games were out and I loved them.
The design of every scenes was also highly accurate. The characters grow on you my only pet peeve was Jill actually she didn’t fit the bill at all. Most will say Leon is awful but surprisingly I find Leon as one of the best along with Chris and Clare.
The movie felt a bit short but I can understand given it’s probably being budgeted. You could really feel the directors put a lot of effort into the movie from start to 3/4 towards the end things felt a bit rushed and we feel that’s probably because of a lack of funding they clearly wanted to do more but couldn’t which is a real shame. Really hope this movie goes big and they gave it more of a budget it deserves a lot it was really well constructed. Some will complain oh it isn’t true to the game 100% I really don’t care to be honest you never are going to because game wise Leon and Jill rarely meet but logically how is that possible as they have to cross paths to get to where they are in the scenes. So what choice did they have. Also some alterations were really cool and actually fit better with the storyline.
All in all you SHOULD WATCH IT. It’s an amazing film either way.
My negatives are this the first scene with the store would have been great and if I’m honest it should have been there I probably can guess they planned it in the movie but again budget cuts probably meant they had to prioritise the ending.
Jill and Chris are not meant to be with Leon and Clare it felt weird and I worry how they’ll tie in nemisis with these 4 now.
No Mr X which is disappointing again I can understand something like that needs a lot of funds probably Incredible Hulk level of funding but really wished he was in there maybe the money goes to Nemisis ?
Leon in this one felt a bit amateurish understandable given it’s his first real appearance and I think he’s new they probably will have him evolve into the Leon we all know. I do however feel the Leon is this movie is a bit too amateur he’s new but not that new he has a “cool” flare to himself.