what in the GCSE drama was that film?? I was sooo wishing this to be good - but try as I might I'm really struggling to scrape together anything positive to say, other than maybe that the costumes aren't awful and at least 70% of the time dont look like d&d cosplay.
To the acing - not a single person seemed to fit their role. Everyone seemed to either be overacting their way through their lines, or so awkward in their delivery that it is clear they didn't want to be there. And the accents, THE ACCENTS. Jeez.
Millie Bobby Brown is british, and yet her delivery seemed to be one of the least natural? make that make sense. Poor Angela Bassett must have been exhausted, afterall, her character seemed to travel around the entire globe through the medium of accent.
Also what's with the immaculate acrylic manicure Elodie has throughout the film? Ye olde nail techs were popping off, clearly.
All that being said, despite technically being a pretty awful watch, the story is somewhat refreshing - foregoing the years old tropes of falling in love, and a knight in shining armour saving the day. I suppose that's to be expected, with the very title of the film being a challenge to the damsel in distress cliche, but either way a film celebrating women saving themselves is always a plus.