The book has many contradictory ideas. Like most communist books it pushes the idea that private property and the means of production is something that needs to be abolished, yet it says that luxury items, as well as the means of production should be held by the individual.
Its also over idealized like many writings of this nature implying that everyone would work the job they wish to work, That's not how even a basic society works. As not everyone can be a musician or a poet or a librarian, someone has to produce the food, the utilities, janitorial work, ect. Also while claiming not have an authoritarian structure of socialism that comes from a government. This is also a very romanticized vision as this would abolish any trade with foreign nations to bring in goods that are not available in that "country" or even between communities within that section of neighborhood. There would be no government or anything to enforce the communist ideals or even keep from a warlord or corporation from seizing complete control of the region as there is no government force to prevent it.
if I could give this negative stars I would. It like all communist intellectuals writings comes from a place of privileged writers who were appalled at the notion that they had to work and couldn't just live off their families money all their life.