I was 8 years old living in Carshalton a satellite town just outside London, it was 1944. I lived for many of my short life in an Anderson shelter underground in our back garden. The V1 and V2 rockets often didn’t reach London and came down in our area. The house behind us was hit killing the family, our house was badly damaged and we had to go stay with friends. The hospital was hit killing so many. It became too unsafe for us children so we were evacuated to foster homes in the countryside mostly without our parents, Dads in the services and Mums in war work. The day we were to go, the school hall was packed with women and children when suddenly we could hear the Put Put Put of an approaching bomb. I still remember everything clearly. The hall was silent, everyone held their breath, when it stopped. Fortunately it went just a little further on so we were saved others wasn’t. War is evil as everyone knows as this unbiased book shows. Terrible for those Germans who had no choice.