Expressing a complex emotional journey that is deeply personal, what Happened to the Heart is Aurora's best yet. At times raw and sparse, at times bursting the seams with masterful production, she creates with a maturity and confidence like never before. Returning to her roots or experimenting with her voice, genres, instrumentation, rhythms, and eclectic song structures: each track is a surprise and many take exciting and unpredictable turns. All are held together by her transcendent voice and the gorgeous canvas of music that she weaves from simple threads into complex explosions of feeling. Aurora is one of a kind and she proves it in every track. At 60 minutes, it can be hard to understand in a single listen, though you won't be bored. I challenge anyone to listen to this album 3 times over three days and not cry, laugh, think, dance, rage, and be hypnotized. Best so far.