Spoiler Alert stop here. Stop sign. You have been warned. Ok now Let's take a completely different look or angle at this movie. I saw at best 2 seasons of the breaking bad series, because my grandson loved the show. Then he moved out of my home and no more Bro bonding breaking bad. I went off to chase squirrels or something. So really EL Camino is a movie with no real back history for me. I liked and understood the movie /El Camino,with some obvious holes where things did not add up to me, little things like the movie starts with an El Camino car-Truck (The Road) we get the second part of the movie in a Pontiac Fierro (Fire/they actually caught fire and production had to be shut down in Detroit or wherever.) but this is not a car movie so maybe a reference to the road you take in life. The young man has been damaged, sent to hell, was rejected because he was still alive! How long did they make Aaron Paul suffer in Hades? Personally hurting people over and over and over till they turn them into planters nuts is not my thing. So if they drew that out in the series eek, ugh no I'm not a sissy or a sadist. So this movie comes off as a better then most revenge movies, so says me the noob. Robert Forster had me at hello in Jackie Brown. Rest well Rob, all will be fine, look for me cause I'll see you again someday in the next life. Hey Jessica Jones, plenty of love for you to, well maybe not in this world Ms Ritter, huh? Spoiler alert stop here. Mr. Pinkman kills all the bad people and starts a new life in Alaska. Some movies weren't great but had a big Soul and are now classics. El Camino had some soul, the blues, and some churning burning funk. It is cut of they same cloth. Don't miss this little gem. Oh if you take a .22 cal Luger to a .45 1911 cal gunfight it's funny how a big gun can lose if you cheat.