How easily would you accept your new found fate? This series lacks credible actors and that comes from a skim/surface level only script writing team. After less than 24hours of realising a new family, trapped in this nightmare forever, have literally given up and joined the 'gang' like sheep - no plan or desire to escape or find ways to escape - there is no depth to the storyline or characters and this feels like just another low level, low budget series dumped on us. Viewers deserve and should expect better - a sucky series which, with an ounce of focus and script writing thought, could be so much better.
So much left unexplained/doesn't make sense - 30 years in for some yet pancakes and maple syrup is in abundance? Apples? From where? 30 years in but it's the first time someone gets chucked in the monster box? Random!
Moving on to another series already