****Potential spoilers below****
This is a real tricky one to review. I both loved it and hated it in equal measure. There were some fantastic moments of classic Bond action in the first third, but it soon became apparent that James Bond has become a victim of today's society. Bond is no longer the Bond we knew and loved in this movie. I don't know who this guy is, but the suave, sophisticated, cocky, womanising superspy who confidently found his way out of any dangerous situation with many a wise cracking pun, has forever left us in the past. He's been replaced by an emasculated grumpy geriatric, who has "feelings" and cannot do anything without the help of others, (usually the female cast). The movie tears up all the rules and traditions of what we know and love Bond movies for and replaces it with a generic action movie starring Daniel Craig. All the male characters are reduced to ineffectual imbeciles. M no longer projects authority or control, Q is no longer a weapons manufacturer and is reduced to a gay hacker nerd. Felix Leiter and Blofeld are only in the movie as Star Trek red shirts. Bond goes all sensitive and gooey eyed over a child he's only known for 5 minutes. Normally, I follow the plot of these movies extremely well, but even I was at a loss as to what exactly the bad guy's plan was. He wanted to kill millions of innocent people because.....why exactly??? The only explanation offered was because Spectre killed his family. Even the bad guy was an ineffectual imbecile. He kills absolutely no one in the movie, has therapy sessions with a psychologist and is put down so easy in a blink and miss it final confrontation. As for the ending, I'm still processing this as it numbed me with shock. I'm struggling to comprehend that somewhere a meeting took place amongst the producers and they actually thought this was a good idea to go with.
Don't get me wrong, I loved Casino Royale and Skyfall, so I'm not a Daniel Craig hater. It's just that the woke brigade seem to have wormed their way into a beloved franchise and have destroyed everything that made James Bond movies such a fun experience. This was the first time I've left a Bond movie feeling sad, confused and depressed. Thats not what we go to watch these movies for.