This game is a fail of an immersive open world rpg.
The first few hours have a smooth and engaging story. After that the entire game devolves into a simple, predicable and simply boring combination of the below:
1. Receiving a ton of calls from people you don't know and don't care about to sell you cars or ask you to take out other people you also don't know and don't care about.
2. A cluttered minimap that doesn't make sense because there are too many "interesting" scenarios and events to investigate. You won't even remember what the main story was when you get distracted by yet another gang terrorising a random nameless victim.
3. No variety in gameplay. You can shoot everything up the entire game. You can sneak around and take everyone out in every situation. You can hack everything if you want. There's no challenge when you can solve everything with a generic response.
4. Pointless advertising about style in the trailers when you throw away all your clothes after you loot the person you just took out. Same with cars and bikes, just trash Jackie's bike and get it back nice and shiny whenever you need.
5. Your choices have no impact in the game so just run your mouth and insult everyone. Start off as one of 3 life paths, only for the entire game to run the same regardless of what you choose. No consequences that affect the game world or relationships significantly.
Sure the game can be pretty sometimes but it doesn't make you want to explore the next corner in hopes of uncovering an interesting side story that challenges of changes your view on night city, it just shows you more edgy sex ads or pointless shootings to distract you from the shallowness of the world. I have not even mentioned the crazy bugs or visual problems because the real problem is not that the game doesn't run, it's that the game is so bland and doesn't have anywhere near enough content to reward the player for exploration. Does not even come halfway close to the witcher 3 which is sad considering it's the same developer.