This isn’t a Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter-esque movie. What it is, for your apprehension, is a brilliant, thought-incandescent & invigorating cinematic experience. This isn’t a depiction of “glorious purpose” but one of the inevitable need for man, in his capacity, to be courageous, true to word & live on self-set terms.
Dev Patel & Alicia Vikander (with two-ply roles) pace you through a remarkable story of a boy becoming man in the leeway of a tightly budgeted movie set in the medieval world — & make no mistake:
THE SCENES ARE AS SPLENDID, MAGNIFICENT & CORUSCATING as the story itself is. The producers make certain not to suggest anything to you... they leave everything to your suggestion.
I’ll give it a 9.6/10 rating. 100% recommend.