Naw don't buy this one yet. PROS: It is really fantastic in spots. The bad guys have much better tactics and I have respect for JTF--they shoot back and are effective team mates. You can even revive them. There are some other bells and whistles such as attack drones that are innovative. The graphics are so so-- winter in New York was nailed; D.C in the summer not so much. Except at night. Initially I hated night fighting but it is really amazing. CONS The game is really unbalanced. There are missions that take way too long and are too hard. You van exhaust yourself hunting gear. The gear you find beats what you can buy. It seems like some of the features need polish. Its not surprise since it was just released. On the other hand, the game is so complex that updates may take a while. It is a truly ambitious production. I wish I had waited for a little polish.