The Joker 2 is a cinematic masterpiece: for reference I watched on IMAX 70mm
This is an incredibly hard movie to make, the writing respects the audience’s intelligence and doesn’t spell out every single detail. It’s not lost on me that Lee/harley is the stand in for the audience, she craves the spectacle of the Joker, the outbursts & like the audience when she realizes that Arthur wins over Joker she feels betrayed, Catfished.
Todd Phillips is a genius. Ultimately Puddles brings Arthur to the forefront.
The musicality is well balanced, Every shot is Cinematic & Joaquin’s elegance & Grandeur as the Joker is something I’ll never get enough of
This is a movie that would’ve been better appreciated by a generation with more attention span but I believe that was intended. Do not have herd mentality go see the movie. That being said I went to see the movie with my sister & a close friend & 2 out of 3 of us ❤️ it. Leaving the theater 60% of the audience seemed in awe & the rest on the fence. Art is most interesting when it’s polarizing.
The joker 2 & Joaquin Phoenix deserve an Oscar. This movie will age very very well 9/10