WARNING: This review contains mentions of animal abuse and deaths. If you are sensitive to this topic please do not read on.
Ok, the movie in itself isn’t even that good, not gonna lie. But on top of that, these animals were severely abused in the making of this movie and it’s absolutely terrible. A total of 20 kittens were killed in the filming. KITTENS!!! THEY WEREN'T EVEN FULLY GROWN YET!!! About 14 dogs or so (Please correct me if I’m wrong) were severely in injured and 1 was killed. One of the kitten’s paw was intentionally broken to make their balance appear unsteady. And another was literally just thrown into the air onto hardwood floor for the scene of Otis falling off a cliff. It is absolutely terrible what they did to those animals and it is not ok. They truly deserve all this backlash and honestly I think they should get even more. Again, please correct me if I shared any false information I did not mean to and I apologize.