Tom Hanks was weak casting for a grumpy man; Tom is a fine actor, but an actor with more of an edge might have been a stronger choice (Clint Eastwood, Samuel L Jackson) I knew from the start how this story was going to go. I didn't find the repeated attempts at suicide very funny; and there were too many of them. Many parts seemed so repetitious. And I don't think they knew where to enD the movie; it seemed to have at least three stronger endings. Mexican actress Mariana Treviño gave a fabulous performance. But for me it was a Hallmark Movie gone very wrong, with inconsistencies in the writing of in Hanks' character, such as his immediate acceptance of a transgender teenager. Just very, very predictable and inconsistent. I realize it's based on a book, and I haven't read the book. So maybe it's the book's weakness. But somehow, I doubt it.