Best Worst Show I’ve Seen in a While.
This show is so bad that it’s good. Logic, common sense, and subtlety are thrown out the window for an in-your-face jumble of good times and conflicts that you shouldn’t think too much about.
The “good guys” are unbelievably naive and childish; while the bad guys’ motivations are often “because it is the evil thing to do.” The nice thing is they throw in enough fight scenes where you don’t really have to think about it that much.
The police don’t seem to exist in this town where assault, breaking and entering, and attempted murder occur on a weekly, if not daily basis. The only time they show up is the one or two times when it is convenient for the plot.
The best character on the show is Johnny, who tries his best to make up for his mistakes of the past and is always good for a few good laughs every episode. Daniel comes off as a whiny child who never really learned critical thinking skills (or common sense) and is always two steps behind everyone else.
My only wish is that they had morally grey bad guys that had relatable motivations for the actions they do.
Overall, good action show that you can turn off your brain and enjoy.