The show lacked character development that was realistic and believable. It made Walt seem like he was just some idiot NPC despite somehow being the star of the entire series. This guy initially had an excess of machismo but somehow turned into the softest baby Dudu I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t truly learn anything about the type of life he’s gotten himself into and is constantly gaslighting other characters into sabotaging any true build up of a worthy and desirable plot. I mean the way he would just shut down and almost be afraid to speak his mind and stand on it with people who weren’t even a real threat to him shows truly how weak he is as a man throughout. This was shallow and lacked luster. His (Walt’s) wife was more prepared to navigate the terrain of running what I suppose should’ve been a criminal enterprise. Walt constantly made poorer and poorer decisions as the seasons progressed, not to mention how he was attempting to force Jesse to kill Fring, after Jesse had just killed the lab assistant, when it was clearly derived from Walt and Fring’s relationship that Fring had much respect for him despite his shortcomings. It could not have been impossible that Walt’s reasoning had become so unhinged that he couldn’t comprehend the possibility of a negotiated peaceful termination of employment. In short it’s unrealistic and far fetched that anyone would be a idiotic as Walt was during this show. Other than Walt I think everyone played quite well into the unraveling of the story despite it mostly being centered around the main character.