A24's latest film, Civil War, is not your typical movie. It is a cautionary tale with a specific agenda, seeking to raise awareness about the dangers of engaging in warfare, the consequences of not respecting others and not getting along. It warns of the risks of raising your voice and shows how the media only cares about blood and greed instead of finding ways to resolve conflicts. Civil War is a fable that highlights how a divided nation of ideas and political views can lead to bloodshed and suffering.
However, I personally hated this film. Everything about it, from the vague cause of the war to the mixed and inconsistent characterizations of the main characters, did not appeal to me. What's most frustrating is how safe it tries to be. The movie never explains the conflict, nor does it give you any clear direction as to who is fighting who. It tries to keep you in the dark, and everyone seems to hate the president in the film, but we have no idea why. The only information we are given is that he disbanded the FBI and is on his third term. Moreover, California and Texas team up with enough firepower to take over the world, but we don't know anything about the opposing side and who is actually defending the president.
While the film is not explicitly political, it is clear who is behind this type of movie. Just like Alex Garland's last film, Men, the filmmakers are merely wagging their finger at the audience, saying, "See what's happening? Do you want this to happen to you?" It's an unpleasant experience peppered with grotesque violence and confusing/frustrating scenarios that I cannot recommend in any way, shape, or form. 2/10 #men #civilwar #A24 #civilwarmovie