Call of duty modern-warfare the campaign is dark and really shines a light on the disturbing side of war a well wrote story with loads to take away from and it had plenty of little eastereggs aimed at the og mw collection
spec ops is brutal you really need to work as a unit to make it past the mission but it is a really fun mode and it has a really good story behind it
Multiplayer is where it all goes down hill the time to kill is insane its full of people camping more than i have ever seen the maps i will give there credit they are interesting and a nice change from the 3 lane style we have had for years but the problem is that we have so few maps for each mode you end up playing the same map every two games having to deal with the same camper in the same spot every time because they are to scared to run and gun due to the time to kill
The weapons and loadouts are really good you have a nice amount of guns to pick from and have so many ways to set them up for what i have seen but for some reason the m4 is the more dominant gun it can wipe a sniper across the map before he even knows whats going on is that a good thing or bad you can decide after the m4 it would be the pkm its just a killing machine
But all out i rate the game like this
Campaign 8/10
Spec ops 9/10
Multiplayer 4/10