As a huge fan of this series playing both the beta of d1 and d2, I can’t help but say I feel kinda dissatisfied with d2’s current state (post season of dawn). My main problems stems from crucible and how incredibly unbalanced it is. To start I think supers and heavy should be removed from comp because they just are not competitive and ruins the feel of the game. Next for quick play I think you should only be able to get 1 super a game and at the most 2. Supers just feel super annoying to go against and just ruin the game. I think there should also be an adjustment to spawns in the game as well. I will constantly be spawn killed from supers and heavy and it is very annoying. That is only a few of the problems I have with crucible. I think that if bungie had actual players play test the game before they released content that’d be a start. I also think they need to focus more on crucible in the future saying that in the past seasons there has been a lot of PvE content and not a lot of PvP.