I have just finished this game with all collectables, and I got to say. I hate doodle with a passion... but I have enjoyed many parts of this game; from the relaxing music, water slides and various expressions that noodle has. This game can be very punishing at times and will make you rage and forces you to eventually learn its controls, by the time your finished with the late game levels you’ll come back and realise that those impossible collectibles at the beginning of the game were freebies that you could of grabbed at any time but just didn’t have the experience or understanding of noodles movements. Some of the blue wisps can take up to nearly 30 deaths to collect, but when you finally get good enough to collect them all (and the coins as well) it is very pleasing And I’m glad they added a little unlock at the end of that. My only complaints are that I feel like there should be at least 2 more check points in the last world levels and I also wish there was a little more to the end game other than arcade and time trial that could add little more replay ability.
Can’t wait for noodle and doodle to be announced in the fighters pass for smash!!