This game is worth playing at least once. Its alot of fun. You can interact with things that most games dont let you interact with. You can also see details other games of this nature tend to leave out such as actual picture images in picture frames.
HOWEVER, the multiplayer NEEDS WORK!!
Come to find out the PC version will allow you to partner up to the boss but on console such as PS4 it will kick out allied player. This leaves the Host of the party all by themselves in the boss encounter. I dont know if this was done on purpose or if it is a bug but PLEASE FIX IT. Id like to enjoy the game with my friends from start to finish without being booted every boss encounter.
Would be nice if these games started using the teamup method from monster hunter world. Its not the greatest but it is way nicer than what is provided. Still has the whole failed mission if killed however, you "remain" grouped to simply try again from start to finish.