Hi 😑 the show is bad, the writing is worst. And the main character is terribly handled.
“Im a good girl, who want to be a free spirit in an intergalactic universe “ ep1 —-forward to ep 6 “im attracted to the villain now , eventbough he killed my jedi squad anf friends 24hrs ago”. The prequels were weak, TFA was bad but this is a whole new level of bad . Once again writers don’t know any basic SW lore/book knowledge and created an incoherent miss match of “star wars themed” pieces and put it together ,slap a cool title on a call it a great incoming show in the franchise/universe. No it’s bad. The villain is the only good thing in the show and even that they turned into something weird aka see “sexy scene” even CW would have produce a better moment..
Major fail again