So I was looking at all of the one star reviews (as on does) and a lot of people are talking about how inappropriate it is to have homosexuality on a kids shows. Which is honestly weird to me because you don’t see them out here complaining about Disney movies when there are people kissing in them. All homosexual representation isn’t sexual. Just like 2 heterosexual kids can like each other when their 10. People can like someone else and have crushes without wanting to have sex and the same applies to gays. Like I’m a minor/kid and I’m a lesbian. I’ve had crushes before but I’ve never wanted to have sex with anyone. Because a homosexual relationship isn’t only based on sex. Like a heterosexual relationship isn’t based on sleeping with the other it’s more on if you like that person or not. And also gay kids tv shows don’t turn kids gay ok. I actually know from experience. Because Ive grown up with all sorts of different tv shows playing and I’ve seen multiple homosexual relationships and My brain didn’t even acknowledge what it was. My brother came out as bisexual though and I had asked him what that was and he told me what being gay was and it just clicked. There wasn’t any questioning for me or anything else I just knew (not like this for everyone) because at that point everything made sense to me. My entire childhood made sense because I realised I had been gay the whole time. It wasn’t because I saw some tv shows or read some book it’s just because I was born this way. Heck if I could change my sexuality I would. Do you think I enjoy people at my school calling me gay slurs in the hallway because I have a pin on my backpack that says love is love. Do you think I like the fact that I can’t have any female friends because they think I’m trying to date them or something. Or when I get male friends they end up telling me they like me even though they know I’m gay because they think it’s a choice and they can change my mind. Being told by people that I trust and lean on in life “how do you know your not straight if you haven’t tried it yet”. It’s horrible to be gay or trans and that’s the truth. Because you can either accept who you are and be shamed and abandoned for it or you can wear a mask. Pretend your someone your not. pretend that you like this person because people will start judging you if you don’t. But tv shows like she ra and the owl house or even marvel runaways taught me that’s it’s ok to be who I am. These tv shows gave me acceptance and stability when no one else would. Keeping these tv shows from your children and telling them that being gay is wrong isn’t going to make them grow up to be straight. It’s just going to separate you and your child. Since you’ve already made your viewpoints clear your child isn’t going to want to tell you if they’re gay. Your going to have to lose a part of your child because you don’t want to see the full them. Because your to one sided on something to see your real authentic kid. Tv shows aren’t going to turn your children gay. But they will give your kids acceptance for what ever they are. Also is tv shows are turning kids gay just show them a straight tv show and then that will ungay them assuming tv shows can change your sexual identity. Also guys stop trying to bring up drag queens doing inappropriate things as a reasoning for the lgbtq community being bad. Because their are all sorts of sex places and stripper clubs that speak to heterosexual audiences and you don’t see people talking about that do you. Just please love your kids and understand that they can’t change they can pretend though.