It's funny how people who've not even watched the movie are commenting purely out of hate!
Anyhoo, watched the movie twice, one 1st day 1st show in PVR Plaza and 2nd at IMAX, Ggn late in the evening and both times, the theater was fully packed with people hooting, cheering, clapping, whistling and loving this MUCH NEEDED BOLLYWOOD BANGER! And mind it, the theaters we filled with people from all age groups, people were there with their families, friend and everyone equally enjoyed it, says a lot about the movie!
Yes there were few unbelievable bits, but given the comercial liberties and also if we can love and rave about Marvel action heros or Tom Cruise for MI series, then let's give it up to Bollywood a little for upping their game.
The storyline is tight, the entire cast is doing justice to their respective parts, John is the milestone for Indian villain from here on!
Haters are gonna hate, potatoes are gonna potate! The movie is a straight friggin' A+
Thank you Pathaan for giving us the chance to celebrate in theatres after 4 years.