I really enjoyed this show because I learned a lot from the designers, their thought process, the behind scene of interior design. But the low reviews (and glad to know that was so many people who voted and agreed upon) is that there is no legitimate judging system that is adhered to.
They just send the good ones back and keep picking the bad ones to stay till the end. As we can see from the reviews, hardly anyone agree that the winner deserved the title. She has so many mistakes right from the start of the episodes, and we keep thinking that she will be out of the show. Her victorian dorm style left a very bad taste. And to be totally honest, Kyle, Ju and Nicki are so much more deserving to stay and win.
The show has so much potential and this is just so sad. Great production team,
excellent editors, many awesome builders and interior designers behind the scene, and yet failed terribly on the judging system. If only they have take their time to screen the judge.