This show was weird but pretty decent at first everything was weird and uncomfortable but after the first episode it was ok. Still weird in some parts, my cousin and I waited and watched every single episode even rewind some parts to make sure we didn’t miss anything. After all that how dare they end the season whit a cliff hanger like that one. It was a stupid idea at least they could’ve had them come out so we know the Smiths were still alive. I wasted hours and days watching talking about rewinding just to have them end the season with gun fire but not showing anything all we saw was 3 lights shot then when you think it’s over after your already upset that ugly neighbor come into there home and leaves a book then call his buddy to tell him there selling the house. I rate this show a 0.00/10. All the directors, producers and writers can eat doodoo I’m praying y’all learn how to make a show actually good. Do not watch it’s not worth wasting your time like I did!!
PS. I’m highly upset!